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Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government - Purchasing Division
Vendor Registration
Why should I register? |
Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government departments use the list of registered vendors to receive bids on needed items instead of using the phone book. |
NIGP Commodity Code(s)
Where do we get our commodity codes? |
National Institute of Government Purchasing, Inc. (NIGP) provides goods and services index. The codes are used to show the specific goods and services offered by certain vendors. |
What is a Commodity Class? |
Commodity Class is a three digit number and contains a brief description of the goods and services indexed by NIGP. |
There is no class code that fits my need. What should I do? |
Contact Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government Purchasing department at (985) 873-6754, or email us at |
How is my Username created? |
The system automatically creates a username for you. |
What should I do if I lose or forget my username? |
You can click on the link and this will take you the username retrieval page. You will need to input your email address and your username and password will be sent to you by an email. If you do not know your email address or it has changed, you can call (985) 873-6754 so we can give your username to you. |
Lost Password
What should I do if I lose or forget my password? |
You can click on the link and this will take you the password retrieval page. You will need to input your email address and your password and username will be sent to you by an email. If you do not know your email address or it has changed, you can call (985) 873-6754 so we can reset your password. |
Can I contact the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government's Purchasing Department to look up my password? |
No. Your password is encrypted and stored in a database, but it can be reset to a new password for you. |
Can I change you password ? |
Yes you are able to change your password. You must first log into your account using are username and old password. Once inside click on the Account Password link under the Account Maintenance on the left hand menu. From here you will be able to change your password. |
Email Address
How do I change my email address? |
You can change your logging into your account and click on the Company Information link under Account Maintenance. Under this form you have a option to change your email address. |
How can I add more commodities to my account? |
You will first need to log into your account using your username and password. Once inside your account, click on the Add a Commodity link on the left hand menu, under Commodities. From here you will be able to add commodities. |
How can I remove or delete commodities to my account? |
You will first need to log into your account using your username and password. Once inside your account, click on the Remove a Commodity link on the left hand menu, under Commodities. From here you will be able to remove one or all commodities listed on your account. |